Think of me as a person you trust the most.
Your day breaks, your mind aches

You find that all her words of kindness linger on

When she no longer needs you

She wakes up, she makes up

She takes her time and doesn`t feel she has to hurry

She no longer needs you

And in her eyes you see nothing

No sign of love behind the tears

Cried for no one

A love that should have lasted years

You want her, you need her

And yet you don`t believe her when she said her love is dead

You think she needs you

You stay home, she goes out

She says that long ago she knew someone but now he`s gone

She doesn`t need him

Your day breaks, your mind aches

There will be time when all the things she said

will fill your head

you won`t forget her

06.09.2004 в 23:36

Don't mention it.
Ты знаешь, нужно менять не ситуацию, а свое отношение к ней...
07.09.2004 в 09:16

Mercy, mercy, mr. Percy!
Lemon_gal Это отчего же? Вполне можно сменть и ситуацию.. Если силёнок хватит - это же намного сложнее.
08.09.2004 в 00:07

Don't mention it.
А надо ли менять? Все течет, все изменяется. И с этим надо мириться. Еще много чего дорогого в жизни потерять придется.
16.09.2004 в 20:56

Think of me as a person you trust the most.
Вот и изменилось мое отношение. Ко всему, почти ко всему. Кой хрен я себя обманываю? Komm, Suesser Tod! *залился истерическим смехом*
17.09.2004 в 09:08

Mercy, mercy, mr. Percy!
Baldman Хех.. Суиуиидально настоероенный Baldman - СЕШИТЕ ВИДЕТЬ!

Ladies and gentlemen

Harry's Harbour Bizarre is proud to present

Under the Big Top tonight

Human Oddities!!!!!!!
17.09.2004 в 21:57

Think of me as a person you trust the most.
I just need the right bullets. And then you may use my skull for bowl, if you wish.
19.09.2004 в 20:58

Mercy, mercy, mr. Percy!
Baldman This magic bullets leads straight to Devil's work, just like marijuana leads to heroin; you think you can take Them bullets or leave 'em, do you? Just save a few for your bad days...

Well, now, we all have those bad days when you can't shoot for shit.

The more of them magics you use, the more bad days you have without them

So it comes down finally to all your days being bad without the bullets.

It's magics or nothing...

Time to stop chippying around and kidding yourself, Kid, you're hooked, heavy as lead.

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